Can Construction Workers Legally Block My Driveway?

Construction workers can block your driveway as long as it’s done under legal circumstances. This means they need to acquire the necessary permits from the local authority and also notify you at least 24 hours in advance of the inconvenience. The permits indicate circumstances under which construction workers can obstruct a driveway without inconveniencing the homeowner.

driveway blocked by builders

That means the permit should include the time and duration during which your driveway will be obstructed. By giving you notice of the driveway obstruction at least 24 hours in advance, it’ll give you enough time to get alternative parking to avoid inconvenience or make other necessary arrangements.

Temporary inconveniences are common when it comes to construction work, London driveway installations, or roadworks in progress even though the workers do what they can to minimise the disruptions. If there’s a construction project in progress, the London contractors or builders need to establish a construction zone for the safety of the workers and other people.

What should I do if construction workers illegally block my driveway?

builders blocking london home driveway

The building contractor should ensure that they have the necessary authorisation to block a driveway, failure to which, legal action can be taken against them. You can always contact your local authority if you feel like the construction work is causing damage to your property or violating the agreed terms in any way so that they can intervene. The local authorities will assess the situation and determine what action to take. Some of the things they can do include the following;

  • Issue a warning to the construction workers
  • Fine the contractors
  • Suspend the construction permit

Measures to take if construction workers block my driveway

contractors working blocking driveway

Driveway obstruction can be such a nuisance especially if you had no idea it was going to happen. This can lead to misunderstandings between neighbours but there are ways to avoid it.

First, you need to be well informed of your rights regarding driveway obstruction and construction permits. This will help you speak up for yourself in case you feel like the construction workers are overstepping.

It’s good to communicate with the construction workers or company management if you feel the driveway obstruction will be an issue. This way, they can easily address the issues and it will help avoid any misunderstanding between the involved parties. Reliable and good builders will make sure they acquire permits before their work and communicate with everyone properly.

If the construction company has given you notice prior and you don’t have an issue with the temporary driveway obstruction, you can always utilise street parking or find a suitable alternative to avoid being inconvenienced.

Finally, if any issue arises with the construction workers blocking your driveway, it’s advisable to document everything in case the matter escalates. You can take photos or videos to use as evidence.